The Sanyuanli Leather Market in Guangzhou, is famous as Guangzhou’s handbags wholesale market. There are lots of market buildings, where you can get all kinds of fashion accessories made of leather or leather imitate.
While you can find most of the leather accessory markets in the east on Jiefang North Road and Ziyuangang Road, there are also some clothing and shoe markets on Guangyuan West Road. With two metro stations nearby, it is easy to go to the markets.
Facts & Figures
Name: | 三元里街道 |
Pinyin: | Sān yuán lǐ jiēdào |
English: | Sanyuanli Neighborhood |
Alternativ: | Sanyuanli Sub-district |
Guangzhou Sanyuanli Market Map
As you can see on the map below, the market buildings are mainly in the triangle between Guanyuan West Road, Sanyuanli Avenue, and the railway track in the south. While the Sanyuanli metro station is in the north, the Guangzhou Railway Station is in the south of the area. Therefore, you better check, which station is closer to the markets you want to visit.
Two other marketplaces are nearby. First of all, there is the Guangzhou Railway Station Market, with almost twenty clothing wholesale markets. Another marketplace is on Zhan Xi Road. There are eight clothing wholesale markets, as well as many shoe and shoe material markets.
Other Marketplaces
Notes: The Sanyuanli Leather Market Guangzhou is known as Guangzhou Handbags Wholesale Market and Guangzhou Bag Market.
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