We guide you at the wholesale markets in Guangzhou and Dongguan. We show you, where you can find the products you are looking for, and translate between you and the wholesalers. Our guides have many years of experience in the fashion industry, speak English and Chinese fluently, and know the markets well.
Guangzhou Wholesale Markets
Guangzhou is a thriving city. There are ten huge marketplaces with dozens of market buildings. You can get lots of products, including fabric, garment accessories, clothing, and fashion accessories. Discover the markets!
Dongguan Wholesale Markets
Even though Dongguan is not as known as Guangzhou, it actually is a major manufacturing hub in China and has a developed fashion industry. In Humen, there are wholesale markets for fashion, fabrics, and garment accessories.
Guidance & Interpreting
We are not only interpreters, but experienced guides for the fabric, accessory, and fashion wholesale markets. We know these products well and have many years of experience with fabric sourcing, accessory sourcing, as well as the production of clothing.